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December 28, 2022Homeowners are subject to many things, from anticipated home maintenance to common nuisances. With each situation, finding a resolution can take time, money, and energy away from the day-to-day upkeep. Finding window condensation can cause frustration, especially when determining what is and isn’t normal. We’ll help you uncover the signs to look for to resolve this nuisance.
What Is Considered Normal Window Condensation?
Condensation is a normal and expected facet of anything with moisture. Homes commonly experience condensation on small surfaces because the air’s moisture barrier collects excess water droplets. Windows are typically the first source to collect condensation because of the varying temperatures indoors and outdoors.
Moisture collects and condenses when cold air comes into contact with warm, humid air. In a home, water can accumulate on the interior or exterior, but these factors depend on where the warm, humid air is in relation to the cold, dry air. In normal cases of home window condensation, the moisture buildup will evaporate on its own, leaving a clear viewing panel.
Signs of Abnormal Condensation
It’s worth mentioning that window condensation is normal, to a degree. Some signs indicate your home is experiencing abnormal condensation, and you should seek a home inspection. For example, multi-pane glass windows with hard-to-evaporate condensation trapped between the panes clearly show an issue. In general, this will indicate a failure in the window’s seal mechanisms that needs repairs or replacements, depending on the severity.
Another indication of abnormal condensation is when evaporation takes longer than usual. Typical evaporation will occur in under 20 minutes. Anything outside of this brief window, lasting 30 to 60 minutes or more, signifies that the window is experiencing significant dysfunction.
You can self-evaluate the severity of the condensation in your windows by doing a sniff test. Suppose you smell mildew, mold, or off-putting smells of any degree near your window frame and materials. These smells are signs of moisture buildup and condensation and may lead to structural water damage.
Effective Reduction Strategies
You can implement a few effective reduction strategies in your home when condensation is normal and no cause for concern. Consider a dehumidifier for the most affected areas, and the simplest reduction strategy is to improve ventilation efforts. These two concepts help remove or release the trapped moisture from the windows.
When the condensation is abnormal, you’ve smelled off-putting structural changes, or evaporation takes too long, consider professional assistance to evaluate the circumstances.
Scientific Home Services Can Help
Regardless of severity, Scientific Home Services can help you get to the bottom of the issue and find resolve. Our reputable team of industry professionals understands exactly what is and isn’t normal regarding window condensation and can perform an inspection, repair, or replacement. To learn more about our processes and vinyl window repairs here in Chicago, connect with our team today!